The Battle of New Orleans was fought in late December, 1814 and early January, 1815, culminating in the final battle on January 8. The Americans, a ragtag bunch, made up of some regulars and some militia, plus volunteer free Blacks, Creoles, Natives, and s few French pirates
We’re led byAndrew Jackson.
The British had more soldiers and they were better armed and better trained. However when the final battle was over the British had suffered 2000 casualties and the Americans less than fifty. It was one of the most lopsided battles in the history of warfare. Ironically the battle was fought after the Treaty if Ghent had ended the War of 1812. The Americans victory ensured that the British would honor the terms. It also propelled Andrew Jackson into the awhite house.
The pictures above were taken at the battlefield. A tell oblisk monument marks the center of the battlefield. The other picture is if the raised earthe n redoubt the Americans had thrown up, stretching amile from the river to a swamp.
We’re led byAndrew Jackson.
The British had more soldiers and they were better armed and better trained. However when the final battle was over the British had suffered 2000 casualties and the Americans less than fifty. It was one of the most lopsided battles in the history of warfare. Ironically the battle was fought after the Treaty if Ghent had ended the War of 1812. The Americans victory ensured that the British would honor the terms. It also propelled Andrew Jackson into the awhite house.
The pictures above were taken at the battlefield. A tell oblisk monument marks the center of the battlefield. The other picture is if the raised earthe n redoubt the Americans had thrown up, stretching amile from the river to a swamp.
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