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Gettysburg II

The fact that Lee was missing two of his best generals probably cost him the battle.  Stonewall Jackson was killed during the Battle of Chancellorsville two months before.  He was accidentally shot by some of his own men while he was out scouting the front lines at night.  He would have taken Culp's hill at the north end of the battlefield on the first night.  That would have made a big difference.  JEB Stuart, Lee's most able cavalry commander was off on a wild goose chase and did not arrive until two thirds of the battle was over.  Then he failed to get to the Union rear on the third day as Pickett attacked the Union center.  He was thwarted by none other than George Custer, who at 26, was the youngest general for the North.  Lee took full responsibility for the loss, but his commanders let him down.
     We stayed at the same mom and pop motel that I usually stay at.  It is at the south end of town near the cemetary where Lincoln gave his speech.  There was snow on the ground so the graves were covered and we could not see too many names.  One of Richard Nixon's ancestors is buried there.  The exact spot where Lincoln stood when he gave the address is unknown.  There is a monument in the vicinity.


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